(a) United States or Canadian registered pilots utilizing the facilities and dispatching services of any authorized pool shall comply with its working rules approved under Sec. 402.320, except to the extent inconsistent with the dispatch orders of the Director under Sec. 401.720(b), and with other rules of the pool that are related to those facilities and services.
(b) The voluntary associations of U.S. Registered Pilots authorized to establish a pilotage pool may require a U.S. Registered Pilot to execute a written authorization for the pool to bill for services, deduct authorized expenses, and to comply with the working rules and other rules of the pool relating to such facilities and services. Facilities and services of the pool may be denied to any U.S. Registered Pilot who fails or refuses to execute such authorizations.
(c) U.S. Registered Pilots who fail to execute such an authorization shall not be considered members of the U.S. pool, and shall not be entitled to reciprocal dispatching and related services by United States and Canadian pilotage pools as provided for by the Memorandum of Arrangements. A U.S. Registered Pilot who fails or refuses to avail himself of the established facilities and services shall be considered as not being continuously available for service pursuant to section 4(a) of the Great Lakes Pilotage Act of 1960 (46 U.S.C. 216 through 216i) and his agreement executed on the Application for Registration as a U.S. Registered Pilot, and may be subject to suspension or revocation proceedings as prescribed by Sec. 401.250. [26 FR 9647, Oct. 12, 1961, as amended at 31 FR 9066, July 1, 1966; 32 FR 14221, Oct. 13, 1967; CGD 74-233, 40 FR 41527, Sept. 8, 1975. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated and amended by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, 35140, June 29, 1998]