(a) Any rate or charge applied against any vessel, owner, or master thereof by a registered pilot which the owner or master disputes as a charge prohibited by Sec. 401.430, may be appealed to the Director for an advisory opinion as to whether such rate or charge is a prohibited charge.
(b) The appeal shall be in writing and set forth the amounts and description of the rates and charges disputed. The appeal must be supported by evidence that a reasonable attempt has been made to resolve the matter between the parties and that a bona fide controversy exists.
(c) The respondent shall be furnished a copy of the appeal and be notified by the appellant that the matter has been appealed for an advisory opinion.
(d) The respondent shall be allowed a reasonable time, not less than twenty (20) days, in which to file with the Director and the appellant any data or arguments desired to be submitted in further defense of the disputed rates and charges.
(e) The Administration shall consider all relevant matter presented and issue an advisory opinion which shall be accompanied by an express recital that all relevant material received has been considered. The advisory opinion shall set forth the rates and charges in dispute, a discussion of the facts and relevant material considered, and a statement of opinion.
(f) When it is found that the disputed rates and charges, in the opinion of the Director, are charges prohibited by Sec. 401.430, the respondent shall have a reasonable time, but not more than thirty (30) days in which to refund moneys, adjust invoices, and otherwise conform to the advisory opinion.
(g) Failure or refusal to comply with the advisory opinion within the time allowed may form a basis for a determination that there is a violation of the Great Lakes Pilotage Regulations subject to the provisions of Sec. 401.500. [29 FR 10467, July 28, 1964, as amended at 32 FR 14221, Oct. 13, 1967; 61 FR 5721, Feb. 14, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 61 FR 32655, June 25, 1996, and further redesignated and amended by USCG-1998-3976, 63 FR 35139, 35140, June 29, 1998]