(a) In addition to the requirements in Sec. 42.09-25, the surveyor of the assigning authority shall examine the items, etc., listed in this section, to determine if in satisfactory condition and meeting applicable requirements in this subchapter.
(b) When the vessel is in drydock, the hull plating, etc., shall be examined.
(c) The holds, 'tween decks, peaks, bilges, machinery spaces, and bunkers shall be examined to determine the condition of the framing, etc.
(d) The deep tanks and other tanks which form part of the vessel shall be examined internally.
(e) If a double bottom is fitted, the tanks normally shall be examined internally. Where double bottom and other tanks are used for fuel-oil bunkers, such tanks need not be cleaned out, if the surveyor is able to determine by an external examination that their general condition is satisfactory.
(f) The deck shall be examined.
(g) Where, owing to the age and condition of the vessel or otherwise, the surveyor deems it necessary, the shell and deck plating may be required to be drilled or other acceptable means used, in order to ascertain the then thickness of such plating. [CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10057, July 12, 1968]