(a) Agreements subject to the Monitoring Report requirements of this subpart are:
(1) An agreement that contains the authority to discuss or agree on capacity rationalization; or
(2) Where the parties to an agreement hold a combined market share, based on cargo volume, of 35 percent or more in the entire U.S. inbound or outbound geographic scope of the agreement and the agreement contains any of the following authorities:
(i) The discussion of, or agreement upon, whether on a binding basis under a common tariff or a non-binding basis, any kind of rate or charge;
(ii) The establishment of a joint service;
(iii) The pooling or division of cargo traffic, earnings, or revenues and/or losses; or
(iv) The discussion of, or agreement on, any service contract matter.
(b) The determination of an agreement's reporting obligation under Sec. 535.702(a)(2) in the first instance shall be based on the market share data reported on the agreement's Information Form pursuant to Sec. 535.503. Thereafter, at the beginning of each calendar year, the Bureau of Trade Analysis will notify the agreement parties of any changes in its reporting requirements based on market share data reported on the agreement's quarterly Monitoring Report for the previous second quarter (April-June).
(c) The Commission may require, as necessary, that the parties to an agreement with market share below the 35 percent threshold, as identified and defined in Sec. 535.702(a)(2), submit Monitoring Reports pursuant to Sec. 535.703.
(d) In addition to or instead of the Monitoring Report in Sec. 535.703, the Commission may prescribe, as necessary, alternative periodic reporting requirements for parties to any agreement identified in Sec. 535.201.