(a) If a vessel that is already measured is to undergo a structural alteration or if the use of a space within that vessel is to be changed, a remeasurement may be required. Vessel owners shall report immediately to an authorized measurement organization any intent to structurally alter the vessel or to change the use of a space within the vessel. The organization advises the owner if remeasurement is necessary. Spaces not affected by the alteration or change need not be remeasured.
(b) When there is a perceived error in the application of a regulation or in the tonnage calculations, the vessel owner should contact the responsible measurement organization. If the error is verified, the tonnage is adjusted as necessary.
(c) If a remeasurement or adjustment of tonnage is required, the organization will issue a new tonnage certificate. If the vessel is documented, the vessel's owner must surrender the Certificate of Documentation as required under part 67, subpart 67.25, of this chapter.
(d) A vessel of less than 79 feet in overall length measured under the Standard or Dual Measurement Systems may be remeasured at the owner's request under the Simplified Measurement System. [CGD 87-015b, 54 FR 37657, Sept. 12, 1989, as amended by CGD 97-057, 62 FR 51045, Sept. 30, 1997]