(a) A line drawn from the easternmost extremity of Kendall Head to latitude 445445" N. longitude 665830" W.; thence to the range marker located in approximate position latitude 445145" N. longitude 6659" W.
(b) A line drawn from West Quoddy Head Light to latitude 4448.5 N. longitude 6656.4 W. (Sail Rock Lighted Whistle Buoy ``1''); thence to latitude 4437.5 N. longitude 6709.8 W. (Little River Lighted Whistle Buoy ``2LR''); thence to latitude 4414.5 N. longitude 6757.2 W. (Frenchman Bay Approach Lighted Whistle Buoy ``FB''); thence to Mount Desert Light; thence to Matinicus Rock Light; thence to Monhegan Island Light; thence to latitude 4331.6 N. longitude 7005.5 W. (Portland Lighted Horn Buoy ``P''); thence to Boon Island Light; thence to latitude 4237.9 N. longitude 7031.2 W. (Cape Ann Lighted Whistle Buoy ``2'').