The Commission maintains several offices and receipt locations. Applications and other filings not submitted in accordance with the addresses or locations set forth below will be returned to the applicant without processing. When an application or other filing does not involve the payment of a fee, the appropriate filing address or location is established elsewhere in the rules for the various types of submissions made to the Commission. The public should identify the correct filing location by reference to these rules. Applications or submissions requiring fees must be submitted in accordance with Sec. 0.401(b) of the rules irrespective of the addresses that may be set out elsewhere in the rules for other submissions.
(a) General correspondence, as well as applications and filings not requiring the fees set forth at part 1, subpart G of the rules (or not claiming an exemption, waiver or deferral from the fee requirement), should be delivered to one of the following locations.
(1) The main office of the Commission is located at 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554.
(i) Documents submitted by mail to this office should be addressed to: Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 20554.
(ii) Hand-carried documents should be delivered to the Secretary's Office at 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC 20554.
(iii) Electronic filings, where permitted, must be transmitted as specified by the Commission or relevant Bureau or Office.
(2) The Commission's laboratory is located near Columbia, Maryland. The mailing address is: Federal Communications Commission, Equipment Authorization Division, 7435 Oakland Mills Road, Columbia, MD 21046
(3) The Commission also maintains offices at Gettysburg, PA.
(i) The address of the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau's licensing facilities are:
(A) Federal Communications Commission, 1270 Fairfield Road, Gettysburg, PA 17325-7245; and
(B) Federal Communications Commission, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Washington, DC 20554.
(ii) The mailing address of the International Telecommunications Section of the Finance Branch is: Federal Communications Commission, P.O. Box IT-70, Gettysburg, PA 17326.
(4) For the locations of the field offices, contact the Enforcement Bureau.
(5) The location of the Office of General Counsel is 445 12th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20554.
(b) Applications or filings requiring the fees set forth at part 1, subpart G of the rules must be delivered to the Commission's lockbox bank in St. Louis, Missouri with the correct fee and completed Fee Form attached to the application or filing, unless otherwise directed by the Commission. In the case of any conflict between this rule subpart and other rules establishing filing locations for submissions subject to a fee, this subpart shall govern.
Note: Applicants seeking a waiver or deferral of fees must submit their application or filing in accordance with the addresses set forth below. Applicants claiming a statutory exemption from the fees should file their applications in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.
(1) Applications and filings submitted by mail shall be addressed to the U.S. Bank in St. Louis, Missouri. The bank maintains separate post office boxes for the receipt of different types of applications. It will also establish special post office boxes to receive responses to special filings such as applications filed in response to ``filing windows'' established by the Commission. The address for the submission of filings will be established in the Public Notice announcing the filing dates. In all other cases, applications and filings submitted by mail should be sent to the addresses listed in the appropriate fee rules.
Note: Wireless Telecommunications Bureau applications that require frequency coordination by certified coordinators must be submitted to the appropriate certified frequency coordinator before filing with the Commission. After coordination, the applications are filed with the Commission as set forth herein. (See Secs. 90.127 and 90.175 of this chapter.)
(2) Applications and other filings may also be hand carried, in person or by courier, to the U.S. Bank, Government Lockbox, 1005 Convention Plaza, St. Louis, Missouri. All applications and filings delivered in this manner must be in an envelope clearly marked for the ``Federal Communications Commission,'' and identified with the appropriate Post Office Box address as set out in the fee schedule (Secs. 1.1102 through 1.1109 of this chapter). Applications should be enclosed in a separate envelope for each Post Office Box. Hand-carried or couriered applications and filings may be delivered at any time on any day. Applications or filings received by the bank before midnight on any Commission business day will be treated as having been filed on that day. Materials received by the bank after midnight, Monday through Friday, or on weekends or holidays, will be treated as having been filed on the next Commission business day.
(3) Alternatively, applications and other filings may be sent electronically via the Universal Licensing System (ULS) or the Cable Operations and Licensing System (COALS) as appropriate for use of those systems. [52 FR 10227, Mar. 31, 1987]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting Sec. 0.401, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at