Periodically the FCC makes available copies of its data bases and lists containing information about authorized broadcast stations, pending applications for such stations, and rulemaking proceedings involving amendments to the TV and FM Table of Allotments. The data bases, and the lists prepared from the data bases, contain frequencies, station locations, and other particulars. The lists are available for public inspection at the FCC's Reference Information Center at 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC. Paper copies of the lists may be purchased from the FCC's duplicating contractor; see Sec. 0.465(a). Many of the databases may be viewed at the Commission's web site at and under mass media services. Microfiche copies of these lists are maintained by the Reference Information Center. These lists are derived from the data bases and can be used as an alternative research source to the Broadcast Application Processing System (BAPS). [64 FR 60722, Nov. 8, 1999]
Public Information and Inspection of Records
Source: 74 FR 14078, Mar. 30, 2009, unless otherwise noted.