Payment can be made electronically using the Commission's electronic filing and payment system ``Fee Filer'' ( Remit manual filings and/or payments for these services to: Federal Communications Commission, OET Services, P.O. Box 979095, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Service------------------------------------------ FCC form No. Fee Payment type code
Equipment approval service(s) amount----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Advance Approval of Subscription TV Corres & 159................ $4,180.00 EIS
a. Request for Confidentiality For Corres & 159................ 195.00 EBS
Advance Approval of Subscription TV
Systems.2. Assignment of Grantee Code:
a. For all Application Types, except Electronic Assignment & Form 65.00 EAG
Subscription TV (Electronic Filing 159 or Optional Electronic
Only--Optional Electronic Payment). Payment.3. Experimental Radio Service(s):
a. New Station Authorization......... 442 & 159................... 65.00 EAE
b. Modification of Authorization..... 442 & 159................... 65.00 EAE
c. Renewal of Station Authorization.. 405 & 159................... 65.00 EAE
d. Assignment of License or Transfer 702 & 159 or................ 65.00 EAE
of Control.
703 & 159................... 65.00 EAE
e. Special Temporary Authority....... Corres & 159................ 65.00 EAEf. Additional fee required for any of the Corres & 159................ 65.00 EAE
above applications that request
withholding from public inspection.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [80 FR 33439, June 12, 2015]