(a) Timely and Sufficient Application. A winning bidder has a binding obligation to apply for support by the applicable deadline. A winning bidder that fails to file an application by the applicable deadline or that for any reason is not subsequently authorized to receive support has defaulted on its bid.
(b) Liability for Default Payment. A winning bidder that defaults is liable for a default payment, which will be calculated by a method that will be established as provided in a public notice prior to competitive bidding. If the default payment is determined as a percentage of the defaulted bid amount, the default payment will not exceed twenty percent of the amount of the defaulted bid amount.
(c) Additional Liabilities. A winning bidder that defaults, in addition to being liable for a default payment, shall be subject to such measures as the Commission may provide, including but not limited to disqualification from future competitive bidding pursuant to this subpart AA, competitive bidding for universal service support.
Subpart BB_Disturbance of AM Broadcast Station Antenna Patterns
Source: 78 FR 66295, Nov. 5, 2013, as amended at 78 FR 70499, Nov. 26, 2013, unless otherwise noted.