(a) Frequencies in the 2150-2160/62 MHz band have been reallocated from the Broadband Radio Service (BRS) to AWS. All AWS entities who benefit from another AWS entity's clearance of BRS incumbents from this spectrum, including BRS incumbents occupying the 2150-2162 MHz band on a primary basis, must contribute to such relocation costs. Only AWS entrants that relocate BRS incumbents are entitled to such reimbursement.
(b) AWS entities may satisfy their reimbursement requirement by entering into private cost-sharing agreements or agreeing to terms other than those specified in Sec. 27.1180. However, AWS entities are required to reimburse other AWS entities that incur relocation costs and are not parties to the alternative agreement. In addition, parties to a private cost-sharing agreement may seek reimbursement through the clearinghouse (as discussed in Sec. 27.1178) from AWS entities that are not parties to the agreement. The cost-sharing plan is in effect during all phases of BRS relocation until the end of the period specified in Sec. 27.1190. If an AWS licensee enters into a spectrum leasing arrangement and the spectrum lessee triggers a cost-sharing obligation, the licensee is the AWS entity responsible for satisfying cost-sharing obligations under these rules.