(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this section, BRS and EBS licensees are authorized to provide fixed or mobile service, except aeronautical mobile service, subject to the technical requirements of subparts C and M of this part.
(b) Educational Broadband Service stations are intended primarily through video, data, or voice transmissions to further the educational mission of accredited public and private schools, colleges and universities providing a formal educational and cultural development to enrolled students. Authorized educational broadband channels must be used to further the educational mission of accredited schools offering formal educational courses to enrolled students.
(c) In furtherance of the educational mission of accredited schools, Educational Broadband Service stations may be used for:
(1) In-service training and instruction in special skills and safety programs, extension of professional training, informing persons and groups engaged in professional and technical activities of current developments in their particular fields, and other similar endeavors;
(2) Transmission of material directly related to the administrative activities of the licensee, such as the holding of conferences with personnel, distribution of reports and assignments, exchange of data and statistics, and other similar uses.
(d) Stations, including high-power EBS signal booster stations, may be licensed in the EBS as originating or relay stations to interconnect educational broadband fixed stations in adjacent areas, to deliver instructional and cultural material to, and obtain such material from, commercial and noncommercial educational television broadcast stations for use on the educational broadband system, and to deliver instructional and cultural material to, and obtain such material from, nearby terminals or connection points of closed circuit educational television systems employing wired distribution systems or radio facilities authorized under other parts of this chapter, or to deliver instructional and cultural material to any cable television system serving a receiving site or sites which would be eligible for direct reception of EBS signals under the provisions of Sec. 27.1201. [69 FR 72034, Dec. 10, 2004, as amended at 71 FR 35190, June 19, 2006]