(a) A telecommunications carrier may require only the data described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section to accomplish a simple port order request from an end user customer's new telecommunication's carrier.
(b) Required standard data fields.
(1) Ported telephone number;
(2) Account number;
(3) Zip code;
(4) Company code;
(5) New network service provider;
(6) Desired due date;
(7) Purchase order number;
(8) Version;
(9) Number portability direction indicator;
(10) Customer carrier name abbreviation;
(11) Requisition type and status;
(12) Activity;
(13) Telephone number of initiator; and
(14) Agency authority status.
(c) Optional standard data field. The Passcode field shall be optional unless the passcode has been requested and assigned by the end user.
(d) For purposes of this section, the term ``telecommunications carrier'' includes an interconnected VoIP provider as that term is defined in Sec. 52.21(h). [75 FR 35315, June 22, 2010] Sec. Sec. 52.37-52.99 [Reserved]