(a) The zones used for determining interstate access universal service support shall be the same zones that would be used for End User Common Line (EUCL) charge deaveraging as described in Sec. 69.152(q)(2) of this chapter.
(b) In a price cap study area where the price cap local exchange carrier has not established state-approved prices for UNE loops by zone, the Administrator shall develop an estimate of the local exchange carrier's Zone Above Benchmark Revenues for transitional purposes, in order to reserve a portion of the fund for that study area. This estimate will be included by the Administrator in the Nationwide Study Area Above Benchmark Revenues calculated pursuant to Sec. 54.806.
(1) For the purpose of developing this transitional estimate, the loop and port costs estimated by the FCC cost model, or other substitute method if no model is available, shall be used.
(2) For the purpose of developing this transitional estimate, the administrator shall construct three zones. Wire centers within the study area will be grouped into these zones in such a way that each zone is assigned approximately one third of local exchange carrier base period lines in the study area, with the lowest cost wire centers assigned to Zone 1, the highest cost wire centers assigned to Zone 3, and the remainder to Zone 2. [65 FR 38690, June 21, 2000; 65 FR 57740, Sept. 26, 2000]