(a) The Commission may revoke any Supplier's Declaration of Conformity for cause in accordance with the provisions of this section or in the event changes in technical standards published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments require the revocation of any outstanding Supplier's Declaration of Conformity in order to achieve the objectives of part 68.
(b) Cause for revocation. In addition to the provisions in Sec. 68.211, the Commission may revoke a Supplier's Declaration of Conformity:
(1) For false statements or representations made in materials or responses submitted to the Commission and/or the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments, or in records required to be kept by Sec. 68.324 and the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments.
(2) If upon subsequent inspection or operation it is determined that the equipment does not conform to the pertinent technical requirements.
(3) If it is determined that changes have been made in the equipment other that those authorized by this part or otherwise expressly authorized by the Commission. [66 FR 7587, Jan. 24, 2001]