(a) For purposes of computing annual revenue requirements for access elements net investment as defined in Sec. 69.2 (z) shall be apportioned among the interexchange category, the billing and collection category and access elements as provided in this subpart. For purposes of this subpart, local transport includes five elements: entrance facilities, direct-trunked transport, tandem-switched transport, dedicated signaling transport, and the interconnection charge. Expenses shall be apportioned as provided in subpart E of this part.
(b) The End User Common Line and Carrier Common Line elements shall be combined for purposes of this subpart and subpart E of this part. Those elements shall be described collectively as the Common Line element. The Common Line element revenue requirement shall be segregated in accordance with subpart F of this part. [52 FR 37312, Oct. 6, 1987, as amended at 57 FR 54722, Nov. 20, 1992]