Projected revenues from the following shall be deducted from the base factor portion to determine the amount that is assigned to the Carrier Common Line element:
(a) End User Common Line charges, less any marketing expense revenues recovered through end user common line charges pursuant to Sec. 69.156;
(b) Special Access surcharges; and
(c) Beginning July 1, 2002, the portion of per-line support that carriers receive pursuant to Sec. 54.901 of this chapter; and
(d) Line port costs in excess of basic analog service pursuant to Sec. 69.130. [62 FR 31939, June 11, 1997, as amended at 62 FR 40464, July 29, 1997; 66 FR 59733, Nov. 30, 2001; 78 FR 5750, Jan. 28, 2013]