Where prior authority is required from the FCC to make changes in an existing station, the following procedures shall be used to request that authority:
(a) An application for construction permit using the forms listed in Sec. 73.3533 must be filed for authority to:
(1) Make any of the changes listed in Sec. 73.1690(b).
(2) Change the hours of operation of an AM station, where the hours of operation are specified on the license or permit.
(3) Install a transmitter which has not been approved (type accepted) by the FCC for use by licensed broadcast stations.
(4) Any change in the location, height, or directional radiating characteristics of the antenna or antenna system.
(b) An informal application filed in accordance with Sec. 73.3511 is to be used to obtain authority to make the following changes in the station authorization:
(1) To modify or discontinue the obstruction marking or lighting of the antenna supporting structure where that specified on the station authorization either differs from that specified in 47 CFR 17, or is not appropriate for other reasons.
(2) Relocation of a main studio outside the principal community contour may require the filing and approval of a letter request for authority to make this change prior to implementation. See Sec. 73.1125. [44 FR 38495, July 2, 1979, as amended at 44 FR 69935, Dec. 5, 1979; 49 FR 4000, Feb. 1, 1984; 52 FR 21685, June 9, 1987; 62 FR 51063, Sept. 30, 1997; 66 FR 20758, Apr. 25, 2001]