Nothing in this subpart shall be construed as prohibiting a covered entity from:
(a) Encoding, storing or managing commercial audiovisual content within its distribution system or within a covered product under the control of a covered entity's commercially adopted access control method, provided that the outcome for the consumer from the application of the encoding rules set out in Sec. 76.1904(a) and (b) is unchanged thereby when such commercial audiovisual content is released to consumer control and provided that all other laws, regulations, or licenses applicable to such encoding, storage, or management shall be unaffected by this section, or
(b) Causing, with respect to a specific covered product, the output of content from such product in a format as necessary to match the display format of another device connected to such product, including but not limited to providing for content conversion between widely-used formats for the transport, processing and display of audiovisual signals or data, such as between analog and digital formats and between PAL and NTSC or RGB and Y,Pb,Pr. [68 FR 66735, Nov. 28, 2003, as amended at 76 FR 40280, July 8, 2011]