The following carrier frequencies in the 72-76 MHz band are assignable to operational fixed stations using vertical polarization, if no harmful interference is caused to TV reception on Channels 4 and 5. These frequencies are shared with the Land Mobile and Aviation Radio Services.
Operational Fixed Frequencies in the 72-76 MHz Band
Carrier frequency in MHz
72.02 72.28 72.64 72.90 75.68 75.94
72.04 72.30 72.66 72.92 75.70 75.96
72.06 72.32 72.68 72.94 75.72 75.98
72.08 72.34 72.70 72.96 75.74 ..........
72.10 72.36 72.72 72.98 75.76 ..........
72.12 72.38 72.74 75.42 75.78 ..........
72.14 72.40 72.76 75.46 75.80 ..........
72.16 72.42 72.78 75.50 75.82 ..........
72.18 72.46 72.80 75.54 75.84 ..........
72.20 72.50 72.82 75.58 75.86 ..........
72.22 72.54 72.84 75.62 75.88 ..........
72.24 72.58 72.86 75.64 75.90 ..........
72.26 72.62 72.88 75.66 75.92 ..........
[51 FR 31213, Sept. 2, 1986, as amended at 54 FR 40059, Sept. 29, 1989]
Vessel Traffic Services System (VTS)