(a) Certain material is incorporated by reference into this part with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that specified in this section, the Federal Communications Commission must publish notice of the change in the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. All approved material is available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call (202) 741-6030 or go to http://www.archives.gov/federal--register/code--of--federal--regulations/ibr--locations.html. Also it is available for inspection at the Federal Communications Commission, 445 12th Street, SW., Washington, DC (Reference Information Center), and is available from the sources listed below.
(b) The International Maritime Organization (IMO), 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom; http://www.imo.org; Tel. + 44 (0)20 7735 7611; Fax + 44 (0)20 7587 3210; email: info@imo.org.
(1) IMO Resolution A.525(13) (``IMO Resolution A.525(13)''), ``Performance Standards for Narrow-band Direct Printing Telegraph Equipment for the Reception of Navigational and Meteorological Warnings and Urgent Information to Ships,'' including Annex, adopted 17 November 1983, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.905 and 80.1101.
(2) IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) Resolution MSC.148(77) (``IMO Resolution MSC.148(77)''), ``Adoption of the Revised Performance Standards for Narrow-band Direct Printing Telegraph Equipment for the Reception of Navigational and Meteorological Warnings and Urgent Information to Ships (NAVTEX),'' adopted on 3 June 2003, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.905 and 80.1101.
(3) IMO Assembly Resolution A.662(16) (``IMO Resolution A.662(16)''), ``Performance Standards for Float-free Release and Activation Arrangements for Emergency Radio Equipment,'' adopted 19 October 1989, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(4) IMO Assembly Resolution A.664(16) (``IMO Resolution A.664(16)''), ``Performance Standards for Enhanced Group Call Equipment,'' adopted 19 October 1989, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(5) IMO Resolution A.694(17) (``IMO Resolution A.694(17)''), ``Recommendation on General Requirements for Shipborne Radio Equipment Forming part of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) and for Electronic Navigational Aids,'' adopted 6 November 1991, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.273 and 80.1101.
(6) IMO Resolution MSC.149(77) (``IMO Resolution MSC.149(77)''), ``Adoption of the Revised Performance Standards for Survival Craft Two-Way VHF Radiotelephone Apparatus,'' adopted on 3 June 2003, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.273 and 80.1101.
(7) IMO Assembly Resolution A.700(17), (``IMO Resolution A.700(17)''), ``Performance Standards for Narrow-band Direct-printing Telegraph Equipment for the Reception of Navigational and Meteorological Warnings and Urgent Information to Ships (MSI) by HF,'' adopted 6 November 1991, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(8) IMO Assembly Resolution A.801(19) Appendix 13, Annex 5 (``IMO Resolution A.801(19)''), ``Criteria for Use When Providing Inmarsat Shore-Based Facilities for Use in the GMDSS,'' adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1091.
(9) IMO Assembly Resolution A.802(19) (``IMO Resolution A.802(19)''), ``Performance Standards for Survival Craft Radar Transponders for Use in Search and Rescue Operations,'' with Annex, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(10) IMO Resolution MSC.247(83) (``IMO Resolution MSC.247(83)''), ``Adoption of Amendments to Performance Standards for Survival Craft Radar Transponders for Use in Search and Rescue Operations,'' adopted on 8 October 2007, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(11) IMO Assembly Resolution A.803(19) (``IMO Resolution A.803(19)''), ``Performance Standards for Shipborne VHF Radio Installations Capable of Voice Communication and Digital Selective Calling,'' with Annex, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(12) IMO Resolution MSC.68(68) (``IMO Resolution MSC.68(68)''), ``Adoption of Amendments to Performance Standards for Shipborne Radiocommunications Equipment,'' adopted on 6 June 1997, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(13) IMO Assembly Resolution A.804(19) (``IMO Resolution A.804(19)''), ``Performance Standards for Shipborne MF Radio Installations Capable of Voice Communication and Digital Selective Calling,'' with Annex, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(14) IMO Assembly Resolution A.806(19) (``IMO Resolution A.806(19)''), ``Performance Standards for Shipborne MF/HF Radio Installations Capable of Voice Communication, Narrow-Band Direct Printing and Digital Selective Calling,'' with Annex, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(15) IMO Assembly Resolution A.807(19) (``IMO Resolution A.807(19)''), ``Performance Standards for INMARSAT-C Ship Earth Stations Capable of Transmitting and Receiving Direct-Printing Communications,'' with Annex, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(16) IMO Assembly Resolution A.808(19) (``IMO Resolution A.808(19)''), ``Performance Standards for Ship Earth Stations Capable of Two-Way Communications,'' with Annex, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(17) IMO Assembly Resolution A.809(19) (``IMO Resolution A.809(19)''), ``Performance Standards for Survival Craft Two-Way VHF Radiotelephone Apparatus,'' including Annexes 1 and 2, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(18) IMO Assembly Resolution A.810(19) (``IMO Resolution A.810(19)''), ``Performance Standards for Float-free Satellite Emergency Position-indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) Operating on 406 MHz,'' with Annex, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(19) IMO Resolution MSC.56(66) (``IMO Resolution MSC.56(66)''), ``Adoption of Amendments to Recommendations on Performance Standards for Float-free Satellite Emergency Position-indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) Operating on 406 MHz,'' adopted on 3 June 1996, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(20) IMO Resolution MSC.120(74) (``IMO Resolution MSC.120(74)''), ``Adoption of Amendments to Performance Standards for Float-free Satellite Emergency Position-indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) Operating on 406 MHz,'' adopted on 31 May 2001, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(21) IMO Assembly Resolution A.811(19) (``IMO Resolution A.811(19)''), ``Performance Standards for a Shipborne Integrated Radiocommunication System (IRCS) When Used in the GMDSS,'' with Annex, adopted 23 November 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1083.
(22) IMO Assembly Resolution A.1001(25) (``IMO Resolution A.1001(25)''), ``Criteria for the Provision of Mobile Satellite Communication Systems in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS),'' with Annex, adopted 29 November 2007, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1091.
(23) IMO Resolution MSC.74(69) (``IMO Resolution MSC.74(69)''), ``Adoption of New and Amended Performance Standards, Annex 3 Recommendation on Performance Standards for an Universal Shipborne Automatic Identification System (AIS),'' adopted 12 May 1998, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(24) IMO Resolution MSC.80(70) (``IMO Resolution MSC.80(70)''), ``Adoption of New Performance Standards for Radiocommunication Equipment,'' with Annexes, adopted 8 December 1998, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(25) IMO Resolution MSC.191(79) (``IMO Resolution MSC.191(79)''), ``Performance Standards for the Presentation of Navigation-Related Information on Shipborne Navigational Displays,'' adopted 6 December 2004, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.273 and 80.1101.
(26) IMO Resolution MSC.192(79) (``IMO Resolution MSC.192(79)''), ``Revised Recommendation on Performance Standards for Radar Equipment,'' adopted 6 December 2004, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.273 and 80.1101.
(27) IMO Circular MSC/Circ.1040 (``IMO Circular MSC/Circ.1040''), ``Guidelines on annual testing of 406 MHz satellite EPIRBs'' adopted 28 May 2002, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1085.
(c) The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Place des Nations, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland; www.itu.int; Voice: + 41 22 730 5111; Fax: + 41 22 733 7256; email: itumail@itu.int.
(1) ITU-R Recommendation M.476-5 (``ITU-R M.476-5''), ``Direct-Printing Telegraph Equipment in the Maritime Mobile Service,'' with Annex, 1995, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.219 and 80.225.
(2) ITU-R Recommendation M.492-6 (``ITU-R M.492-6''), ``Operational Procedures for the use of Direct-Printing Telegraph Equipment in the Maritime Mobile Service,'' with Annex, 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.142.
(3) ITU-R Recommendation M.493-13, (``ITU-R M.493-13''), ``Digital Selective-calling System for Use in the Maritime Mobile Service,'' with Annexes 1, 2, 3, and 4 (10/2009), IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.5, 80.179, 80.225, 80.1101, and 80.1113.
(4) ITU-R Recommendation M.540-2 (``ITU-R M.540-2''), ``Operational and Technical Characteristics for an Automated Direct-printing Telegraph System for Promulgation of Navigational and Meteorological Warnings and Urgent Information to Ships,'' including Annexes, 1990, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.905, 80.1101, and 80.1135.
(5) ITU-R Recommendation M.541-9 (``ITU-R M.541-9'') ``Operational Procedures for the Use of Digital Selective-Calling Equipment in the Maritime Mobile Service,'' with Annexes 1 through 5, 2004, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.5, 80.103, 80.179, 80.225, 80.359, 80.1101, 80.1113, and 80.1117.
(6) ITU-R Recommendation M.625-3 (``ITU-R M.625-3''), ``Direct-Printing Telegraph Equipment Employing Automatic Identification in the Maritime Mobile Service,'' with Annex, 1995, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.219, 80.225, 80.1125, 80.1127, 80.1131, and 80.1133.
(7) ITU-R Recommendation M.628-4 (``ITU-R M.628-4''), ``Technical Characteristics for Search and Rescue Radar Transponders,'' with Annexes, 2006, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.1101 and 80.1129.
(8) ITU-R Recommendation M.633-3 (``ITU-R M.633-3''), ``Transmission characteristics of a satellite emergency position-indicating radiobeacon (satellite EPIRB) system operating through a low polar-orbiting satellite system in the 406 MHz band,'' 2004, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(9) ITU-R Recommendation M.824-3 (``ITU-R M.824-3''), ``Technical Parameters of Radar Beacons (RACONS),'' with Annexes, 2007, IBR approved for Sec. 80.605.
(10) ITU-R Recommendation M.1177-3 (``ITU-R M.1177-3''), ``Techniques for measurement of unwanted emissions of radar systems,'' June 2003, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.273 and 80.1101.
(11) ITU-R Recommendation M.1371-3 (``ITU-R M.1371-3''), ``Technical characteristics for a universal shipborne automatic identification system using time division multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile band,'' with Annexes, 2007, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(12) ITU-T Recommendation E.161 (``ITU-T E.161''), ``Series E: Overall Network Operation, Telephone Service, Service Operation and Human Factors: International Operation-Numbering Plan of the International Telephone Service: Arrangement of Digits, Letters and Symbols on Telephones and Other Devices that Can Be Used for Gaining Access to a Telephone Network'' (02/2001), IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(13) ITU-T Recommendation E.164.1 (``ITU-T E.164.1''), ``Series E: Overall Network Operation, Telephone Service, Service Operation and Human Factors: International Operation--Numbering Plan of the International Telephone Service: Criteria and Procedures for the Reservation, Assignment, and Reclamation of E.164 Country Codes and Associated Identification Codes (ICs)'' (09/2008), IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(d) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 3 Rue de Varembe, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland; www.iec.ch; phone: + 41 22 919 02 11; fax: + 41 22 919 03 00; email: info@iec.ch. (IEC publications can also be purchased from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) through its NSSN operation (www.nssn.org), at Customer Service, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York NY 10036, telephone (212) 642-4900.)
(1) IEC 60092-101:1994 + A1:1995 (``IEC 60092-101''), Edition 4.1, 2002-08, ``Electrical installations in ships--Part 101: Definitions and general requirements,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(2) IEC 60533:1999(E) (``IEC 60533''), Second edition, 1999-11, ``Electrical and electronic installations in ships--Electromagnetic compatibility,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(3) IEC 60945:2002 (``IEC 60945''), Fourth edition, 2002-08, ``Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems-General requirements-Methods of testing and required test results,'' with Annexes, IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.273 and 80.1101.
(4) IEC 61097-1:2007(E) (``IEC 61097-1''), Second edition, 2007-06, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 1: Radar transponder--Marine search and rescue (SART)--Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results,'' with Annexes, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(5) IEC 1097-3:1994 (``IEC 61097-3''), First edition, 1994-06, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 3: Digital selective calling (DSC) equipment--Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required testing results,'' with Annexes, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(6) IEC 61097-4 (``IEC 61097-4''), Edition 2.0, 2007-10, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 4: INMARSAT-C ship earth station and INMARSAT enhanced group call (EGC) equipment--Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(7) IEC 61097-6:2005(E) (``IEC 61097-6''), Second edition, 2005-12, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 6: Narrowband direct-printing telegraph equipment for the reception of navigational and meteorological warnings and urgent information to ships (NAVTEX),'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(8) IEC 1097-7:1996 (``IEC 61097-7''), First edition, 1996-10, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 7: Shipborne VHF radiotelephone transmitter and receiver--Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(9) IEC 61097-8:1998(E) (``IEC 61097-8''), First edition, 1998-09, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 8: Shipborne watchkeeping receivers for the reception of digital selective calling (DSC) in the maritime MF, MF/HF, and VHF bands--Operational and Performance Requirements, Methods of Testing and Required Test Results,'' with Annexes, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(10) IEC 61097-9:1997(E) (``IEC 61097-9''), First edition, 1997-12, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 9: Shipborne transmitters and receivers for use in the MF and HF bands suitable for telephony, digital selective calling (DSC) and narrow band direct printing (NBDP)--Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results,'' with Annexes, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(11) IEC 61097-10:1999(E) (``IEC 61097-10''), First edition, 1999-06, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 10: INMARSAT-B ship earth station equipment--Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results,'' with Annexes, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(12) IEC 1097-12:1996(E) (``IEC 61097-12''), First edition, 1996-11, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 12: Survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus--Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(13) IEC 61097-13:2003(E) (``IEC 61097-13''), First edition, 2003-05, ``Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS)--Part 13: INMARSAT F77 ship earth station equipment--Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(14) IEC 61162-1:2007(E) (``IEC 61162-1''), Third edition, 2007-04, ``Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems--Digital interfaces--Part 1: Single talker and multiple listeners,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(15) IEC 61993-2:2001(E) (``IEC 61993-2''), First edition, 2001-12, ``Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems--Automatic identification systems (AIS)--Part 2: Class A shipborne equipment of the universal automatic identification system (AIS)--Operational and performance requirements, methods of test and required test results,'' with Annexes, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(16) IEC 62238:2003(E) (``IEC 62238''), First edition, 2003-03, ``Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems--VHF radiotelephone equipment incorporating Class ``D'' Digital Selective Calling (DSC)--Methods of testing and required test results,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.225.
(17) IEC 62252:2004(E) (``IEC 62252''), First edition, 2004-07, ``Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems--Radar for craft not in compliance with IMO SOLAS Chapter V--Performance requirements, methods of test and required test results,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.273.
(18) IEC 62287-1:2006(E) (``IEC 62287-1''), First edition, 2006-03, ``Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems-Class B shipborne equipment of the Automatic Identification System-Part 1: Carrier-sense time division multiple access (CSTDMA) techniques,'' IBR approved for Sec. 80.231.
(19) IEC 62388 (``IEC 62388''), Edition 1.0, 2007-12, ``Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems-Shipborne radar-Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results,'' IBR approved for Sec. Sec. 80.273 and 80.1101.
(e) The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. De la Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland; www.iso.org; Tel.: + 41 22 749 01 11; Fax: + 41 22 733 34 30; email: central&iso.org.; (ISO publications can also be purchased from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) through its NSSN operation (www.nssn.org), at Customer Service, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, New York NY 10036, telephone (212) 642-4900.)
(1) ISO Standard 3791 (``ISO Standard 3791''), ``Office Machines and Data Processing Equipment--Keyboard Layouts for Numeric Applications,'' First Edition 1976(E), IBR approved for Sec. 80.1101.
(2) [Reserved]
(f) The Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM), 1611 N. Kent Street, Suite 605, Arlington, VA 22209; www.rtcm.org; telephone (703) 527-2000; email information@rtcm.org.
(1) RTCM Paper 56-95/SC101-STD (``RTCM Paper 56-95/SC101-STD''), ``RTCM Recommended Minimum Standards for Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Equipment Providing Minimum Distress and Safety Capability,'' Version 1.0, August 10, 1995, IBR approved for Sec. 80.225.
(2) RTCM 11000.2 (``RTCM 11000.2''), RTCM paper 77-2002/SC110-STD, ``RTCM Standard 11000.2 for 406 MHz Satellite Emergency Position-Indicating Radiobeacons (EPIRBs),'' Version 2.1, June 20, 2002, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1061.
(3) RTCM 11020.1 (``RTCM 11020.1''), RTCM Paper 222-2009-SC110-STD), ``RTCM Standard 11020.0, Ship Security Alert Systems (SSAS) Using the Cospas-Sarsat System,'' October 9, 2009, IBR approved for Sec. 80.277.
(g) COSPAS-SARSAT--International Satellite System for Search and Rescue, 700 de la Gauchetiere West, Suite 2450, Montreal, Quebec H3B 5 M2, Canada, telephone + 1-(514) 954-6761, www.cospas-sarsat.org.
(1) COSPAS-SARSAT Standard C/S T.001 (``COSPAS-SARSAT Standard C/S T.001''), ``Specification for COSPAS-SARSAT 406 MHz Distress Beacons,'' Issue 3--Revision 10, October 2009, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1061.
(2) COSPAS-SARSAT Standard C/S T.007 (``COSPAS-SARSAT Standard C/S T.007''), ``COSPAS-SARSAT 406 MHz Distress Beacon Type Approval Standard,'' Issue 4--Revision 4, October 2009, IBR approved for Sec. 80.1061. [76 FR 67607, Nov. 2, 2011, as amended at 79 FR 77918, Dec. 29, 2014]