For a wireless medical telemetry device operating within the frequency range 608-614 MHz and that will be located near the radio astronomy observatories listed below, operation is not permitted until a WMTS frequency coordinator specified in Sec. 95.1113 has coordinated with, and obtain the written concurrence of, the director of the affected radio astronomy observatory before the equipment can be installed or operated
(a) Within 80 kilometers of:
(1) National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Arecibo, Puerto Rico: 182038.28" North Latitude, 664509.42" West Longitude.
(2) National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, New Mexico: 340443" North Latitude, 1073704" West Longitude.
(3) National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, West Virginia: 382608" North Latitude, 794942" West Longitude.
(b) Within 32 kilometers of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory centered on: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Very long baseline array stations Latitude (north) Longitude (west)------------------------------------------------------------------------Pie Town, NM...................... 3418 10807Kitt Peak, AZ..................... 3157 11137Los Alamos, NM.................... 3547 10615Fort Davis, TX.................... 3038 10357North Liberty, IA................. 4146 9134Brewster, WA...................... 4808 11941Owens Valley, CA.................. 3714 11817Saint Croix, VI................... 1746 6435Mauna Kea, HI..................... 1949 15528Hancock, NH....................... 4256 7159------------------------------------------------------------------------
The National Science Foundation point of contact for coordination is: Spectrum Manager, Division of Astronomical Sciences, NSF Room 1045, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22230, telephone: 703-306-1823.