(a) Authorizations for systems in the 218-219 MHz Service will be granted to provide services on a common carrier basis or a private (non-common carrier and/or private internal-use) basis.
(1) Initial applications. An applicant will specify on FCC Form 601 if it is requesting authorizations to provide services on a common carrier, non-common carrier or private internal-use basis, of a combination thereof.
(2) Amendment of pending applications. Any pending application may be amended to:
(i) Change the carrier status requested; or
(ii) Add to the pending request in order to obtain both common carrier and private status in a single license.
(3) Modification of license. A licensee may modify a license to:
(i) Change the carrier status authorized; or
(ii) Add to the status authorized in order to obtain both common carrier and private status in a single license. Applications to change, or add to, carrier status in a license must be submitted on FCC Form 601 in accordance with Sec. 1.1102 of this chapter.
(4) Pre-existing licenses. Licenses granted before April 9, 2001. are authorized to provide services on a private (non-common carrier) basis. Licensees may modify this initial status pursuant to paragraph (a)(3) of this section.
(b) An applicant or licensee may submit a petition at any time requesting clarification of the regulatory status required to provide a specific communications service. [64 FR 59660, Nov. 3, 1999, as amended at 66 FR 9219, Feb. 7, 2001]
System License Requirements