(a) Priority Access Licensees must operate CBSDs consistent with the technical rules and interference protection requirements set forth in this part.
(b) PALs have the following parameters:
(1) Geography: Each PAL consists of a single License Area.
(i) Contiguous geographic areas: An SAS must assign geographically contiguous PALs held by the same Priority Access Licensee to the same channels in each geographic area, to the extent feasible. The SAS may temporarily reassign individual PALs held by the same Priority Access Licensee to different channels, so that geographical contiguity is temporarily not maintained, to the extent necessary to protect Incumbent Users or if necessary to perform its required functions under subpart F of this part.
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) Channels: Each PAL consists of a 10 megahertz channel within the frequency range set forth in Sec. 96.11. Channels must be assigned by the SAS. Priority Access Licensees may request a particular channel or frequency range from the SAS but will not be guaranteed a particular assignment.
(i) Contiguous channels: An SAS must assign multiple channels held by the same Priority Access Licensee to contiguous channels in the same License Area, to the extent feasible. The SAS may temporarily reassign individual PALs to non-contiguous channels to the extent necessary to protect Incumbent Users or if necessary to perform its required functions under subpart F of this part.
(ii) [Reserved]
(3) License term: Each PAL has a three-year license term. Each PAL must automatically terminate at the end of its three-year term and may not be renewed. However, Priority Access Licensees may reapply for subsequent authorizations in the same License Area, subject to the limitations set forth in Sec. 96.27. Priority Access Licensees may hold consecutive PALs up to the maximum number set forth in Sec. 96.27.
(c) Unused PAL channels shall be made available for assignment by the SAS for General Authorized Access use.