The purposes of the SAS include:
(a) To enact and enforce all policies and procedures developed by the SAS Administrator pursuant to Sec. 96.63.
(b) To determine and provide to CBSDs the permissible channels or frequencies at their location.
(c) To determine and provide to CBSDs the maximum permissible transmission power level at their location.
(d) To register and authenticate the identification information and location of CBSDs.
(e) To retain information on, and enforce, Exclusion Zones and Protection Zones in accordance with Sec. Sec. 96.15 and 96.17.
(f) To communicate with the ESC to obtain information about federal Incumbent User transmissions and instruct CBSDs to move to another frequency range or cease transmissions.
(g) To ensure that CBSDs operate in geographic areas and within the maximum power levels required to protect federal Incumbent Users from harmful interference, consistent with the requirements of Sec. Sec. 96.15 and 96.21.
(h) To ensure that CBSDs protect non-federal Incumbent Users from harmful interference, consistent with the requirements of Sec. Sec. 96.17 and 96.21.
(i) To protect Priority Access Licensees from interference caused by other PALs and from General Authorized Access Users consistent with Sec. 96.25.
(j) To facilitate coordination between GAA users operating Category B CBSDs, consistent with Sec. 96.35.
(k) To resolve conflicting uses of the band while maintaining, as much as possible, a stable radio frequency environment.
(l) To ensure secure and reliable transmission of information between the SAS and CBSDs.
(m) To protect Grandfathered Wireless Broadband Licensees consistent with Sec. Sec. 90.1307 and 90.1338 of this chapter, and Sec. 96.21.
(n) To implement the terms of current and future international agreements as they relate to the Citizens Broadband Radio Service.