As prescribed in 1511.011-78, insert the following contract clause in all contracts for advisory and assistance services.
Advisory and Assistance Services (JUL 2015)
All reports containing recommendations to the Environmental Protection Agency shall include the following information on the cover of each report: (a) Name and business address of the contractor; (b) contract number; (c) contract dollar amount; (d) whether the contract was subject to full and open competition or a sole source acquisition; (e) name of the EPA Project Officer and the EPA Project Officer's office identification and location; and (f) date of report.
(End of clause) [50 FR 14360, Apr. 11, 1985; 50 FR 15425, Apr. 18, 1985. Redesignated at 55 FR 39622, Sept. 28, 1990, as amended at 60 FR 21994, May 4, 1995. Redesignated at 61 FR 57339, Nov. 6, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 33573, June 20, 1997; 80 FR 29986, June 26, 2015]