As prescribed in 1604.7101 of this chapter, the following clause must be inserted in all FEHB Program contracts.
Filing Health Benefit Claims/Court Review of Disputed Claims (MAR 1995)
(a) General. (1) The Carrier resolves claims filed under the Plan. All health benefit claims must be submitted initially to the Carrier. If the Carrier denies a claim (or a portion of a claim), the covered individual may ask the Carrier to reconsider its denial. If the Carrier affirms its denial or fails to respond as required by paragraph (b) of this clause, the covered individual may ask OPM to review the claim. A covered individual must exhaust both the Carrier and OPM review processes specified in this clause before seeking judicial review of the denied claim.
(1) The Carrier resolves claims filed under the Plan. All health benefit claims must be submitted initially to the Carrier. If the Carrier denies a claim (or a portion of a claim), the covered individual may ask the Carrier to reconsider its denial. If the Carrier affirms its denial or fails to respond as required by paragraph (b) of this clause, the covered individual may ask OPM to review the claim. A covered individual must exhaust both the Carrier and OPM review processes specified in this clause before seeking judicial review of the denied claim.
(2) This clause applies to covered individuals and to other individuals or entities who are acting on the behalf of a covered individual and who have the covered individual's specific written consent to pursue payment of the disputed claim.
(b) Time limits for reconsidering a claim. (1) The covered individual has 6 months from the date of the notice to the covered individual that a claim (or a portion of a claim) was denied by the Carrier in which to submit a written request for reconsideration to the Carrier. The time limit for requesting reconsideration may be extended when the covered individual shows that he or she was prevented by circumstances beyond his or her control from making the request within the time limit.
(1) The covered individual has 6 months from the date of the notice to the covered individual that a claim (or a portion of a claim) was denied by the Carrier in which to submit a written request for reconsideration to the Carrier. The time limit for requesting reconsideration may be extended when the covered individual shows that he or she was prevented by circumstances beyond his or her control from making the request within the time limit.
(2) The Carrier has 30 days after the date of receipt of a timely-filed request for reconsideration to:
(i) Affirm the denial in writing to the covered individual;
(ii) Pay the bill or provide the service; or
(iii) Request from the covered individual or provider additional information needed to make a decision on the claim. The Carrier must simultaneously notify the covered individual of the information requested if it requests additional information from a provider. The Carrier has 30 days after the date the information is received to affirm the denial in writing to the covered individual or pay the bill or provide the service. The Carrier must make its decision based on the evidence it has if the covered individual or provider does not respond within 60 days after the date of the Carrier's notice requesting additional information. The Carrier must then send written notice to the covered individual of its decision on the claim. The covered individual may request OPM review as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this clause if the Carrier fails to act within the time limit set forth in this paragraph.
(3) The covered individual may write to OPM and request that OPM review the Carrier's decision if the Carrier either affirms its denial of a claim or fails to respond to a covered individual's written request for reconsideration within the time limit set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of this clause. The covered individual must submit the request for OPM review within the time limit specified in paragraph (e)(1) of this clause.
(4) The Carrier may extend the time limit for a covered individual's submission of additional information to the Carrier when the covered individual shows he or she was not notified of the time limit or was prevented by circumstances beyond his or her control from submitting the additional information.
(c) Information required to process requests for reconsideration. (1) The covered individual must put the request to the Carrier to reconsider a claim in writing and give the reasons, in terms of applicable brochure provisions, that the denied claim should have been approved.
(1) The covered individual must put the request to the Carrier to reconsider a claim in writing and give the reasons, in terms of applicable brochure provisions, that the denied claim should have been approved.
(2) If the Carrier needs additional information from the covered individual to make a decision, it must:
(i) Specifically identify the information needed;
(ii) State the reason the information is required to make a decision on the claim;
(iii) Specify the time limit (60 days after the date of the Carrier's request) for submitting the information; and
(iv) State the consequences of failure to respond within the time limit specified, as set out in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(d) Carrier determinations. The Carrier must provide written notice to the covered individual of its determination. If the Carrier affirms the initial denial, the notice must inform the covered individual of:
(1) The specific and detailed reasons for the denial;
(2) The covered individual's right to request a review by OPM; and
(3) The requirement that requests for OPM review must be received within 90 days after the date of the Carrier's denial notice and include a copy of the denial notice as well as documents to support the covered individual's position.
(e) OPM review. (1) If the covered individual seeks further review of the denied claim, the covered individual must make a request to OPM to review the Carrier's decision. Such a request to OPM must be made:
(1) If the covered individual seeks further review of the denied claim, the covered individual must make a request to OPM to review the Carrier's decision. Such a request to OPM must be made:
(i) Within 90 days after the date of the Carrier's notice to the covered individual that the denial was affirmed; or
(ii) If the Carrier fails to respond to the covered individual as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this clause, within 120 days after the date of the covered individual's timely request for reconsideration by the Carrier; or
(iii) Within 120 days after the date the Carrier requests additional information from the covered individual, or the date the covered individual is notified that the Carrier is requesting additional information from a provider. OPM may extend the time limit for a covered individual's request for OPM review when the covered individual shows he or she was not notified of the time limit or was prevented by circumstances beyond his or her control from submitting the request for OPM review within the time limit.
(2) In reviewing a claim denied by the Carrier, OPM may:
(i) Request that the covered individual submit additional information;
(ii) Obtain an advisory opinion from an independent physician;
(iii) Obtain any other information as may in its judgment be required to make a determination; or
(iv) Make its decision based solely on the information the covered individual provided with his or her request for review.
(3) When OPM requests information from the Carrier, the Carrier must release the information within 30 days after the date of OPM's written request unless a different time limit is specified by OPM in its request.
(4) Within 90 days after receipt of the request for review, OPM will either:
(i) Give a written notice of its decision to the covered individual and the Carrier; or
(ii) Notify the individual of the status of the review. If OPM does not receive requested evidence within 15 days after expiration of the applicable time limit in paragraph (e)(3) of this clause, OPM may make its decision based solely on information available to it at that time and give a written notice of its decision to the covered individual and to the Carrier.
(f) OPM, upon its own motion, may reopen its review if it receives evidence that was unavailable at the time of its original decision.
(g) Court review. (1) A suit to compel enrollment under Sec. 890.102 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, must be brought against the employing office that made the enrollment decision.
(1) A suit to compel enrollment under Sec. 890.102 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, must be brought against the employing office that made the enrollment decision.
(2) A suit to review the legality of OPM's regulations under this part must be brought against the Office of Personnel Management.
(3) Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) carriers resolve FEHB claims under authority of Federal statute (chapter 89, title 5, United States Code). A covered individual may seek judicial review of OPM's final action on the denial of a health benefits claim. A legal action to review final action by OPM involving such denial of health benefits must be brought against OPM and not against the Carrier or the Carrier's subcontractors. The recovery in such a suit shall be limited to a court order directing OPM to require the Carrier to pay the amount of benefits in dispute.
(4) An action under paragraph (3) of this clause to recover on a claim for health benefits:
(i) May not be brought prior to exhaustion of the administrative remedies provided in paragraphs (a) through (f) of this clause;
(ii) May not be brought later than December 31 of the 3rd year after the year in which the care or service was provided; and
(iii) Will be limited to the record that was before OPM when it rendered its decision affirming the Carrier's denial of benefits.
(End of clause) [61 FR 15198, Apr. 5, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 47576, Sept. 10, 1997]