As used in this subpart employee and controlled substance are as defined in FAR 23.503. The use of a controlled substance in accordance with the terms of a valid prescription, or other uses authorized by law shall not be subject to the requirements of 1823.570 through 1823.570-3 and the clause at 1852.223-74.
Employee in a sensitive position means a contractor or subcontractor employee who has been granted access to classified information; a contractor or subcontractor employee in other positions that the contractor or subcontractor determines could reasonably be expected to affect safety, security, National security, or functions other than the foregoing requiring a high degree of trust and confidence; and includes any employee performing in a position designated ``mission critical'' pursuant to the clause at 1852.246-70. The term also includes any applicant who is interviewed for a position described in this paragraph.
Use, in violation of applicable law or Federal regulation, of alcohol includes having, while on duty or during a preemployment interview, an alcohol concentration of 0.04 percent by weight or more in the blood, as measured by chemical test of the individual's breath or blood. An individual's refusal to submit to such test is presumptive evidence of use, in violation of applicable law or Federal regulation, of alcohol. [61 FR 55757, Oct. 29, 1996. Redesignated and amended at 69 FR 21765, Apr. 22, 2004]