As prescribed in 1816.307-70(f), insert the following clause:
Assignment and Release Forms (JUL 1997)
The Contractor shall use the following forms to fulfill the assignment and release requirements of FAR clause 52.216-7, Allowable Cost and Payment, and FAR clause 52.216-13, Allowable Cost and Payment (Facilities):
NASA Form 778, Contractor's Release;
NASA Form 779, Assignee's Release;
NASA Form 780, Contractor's Assignment of Refunds, Rebates, Credits, and Other Amounts; and
NASA Form 781, Assignee's Assignment of Refunds, Rebates, Credits, and Other Amounts.
Computer generated forms are acceptable, provided that they comply with FAR clause 52.253-1, Computer Generated Forms.
(End of clause) [62 FR 36733, July 9, 1997; 62 FR 40309, July 28, 1997]