As prescribed at 1837.110-70(b), insert the following clause:
Pension Portability (JAN 1997)
(a) In order for pension costs attributable to employees assigned to this contract to be allowable costs under this contract, the plans covering such employees must:
(1) Comply with all applicable Government laws and regulations;
(2) Be a defined contribution plan, or a multiparty defined benefit plan operated under a collective bargaining agreement. In either case, the plan must be portable, i.e., the plan follows the employee, not the employer;
(3) Provide for 100 percent employee vesting at the earlier of one year of continuous employee service or contract termination; and
(4) Not be modified, terminated, or a new plan adopted without the prior written approval of the cognizant NASA Contracting Officer.
(b) The Contractor shall include paragraph (a) of this clause in subcontracts for continuing services under a service contract if:
(1) The prime contract requires pension portability;
(2) The subcontracted labor dollars (excluding any burdens or profit/fee) exceed $2,500,000 and ten percent of the total prime contract labor dollars (excluding any burdens or profit/fee); and
(3) Either of the following conditions exists:
(i) There is a continuing need for the same or similar subcontract services for a minimum of five years (inclusive of options), and if the subcontractor changes, a high percentage of the predecessor subcontractor's employees are expected to remain with the program; or
(ii) The employees under a predecessor subcontract were covered by a portable pension plan, a follow-on subcontract or a subcontract consolidating existing services is awarded, and the total subcontract period covered by the plan covers a minimum of five years (including both the predecessor and successor subcontracts).
(End of clause) [62 FR 4477, Jan. 30, 1997]