As prescribed in 1839.106-70(a)(1), insert the following clause:
Alternate Delivery Points (NOV 1993)
(a) The first priority of this contract is to satisfy the anticipated requirements of __ (identify contracting activity). However, should the actual requirements of __ (contracting activity) be less than the maximum quantities/values specified in section B of this contract, __ (contracting activity) may order the remaining available quantities/values to satisfy the requirements of other installations. The other installations at which delivery may be required are: (List installations and their locations)
(b) The prices of the deliverables in section B are F.O.B. destination to __ (contracting activity). If delivery to an alternate location is ordered, an equitable adjustment may be negotiated to recognize any variances in transportation costs associated with delivery to that alternate location.
(End of clause)
Alterate I (NOV 1993). As prescribed in 1839.7008(b), delete paragraph (b) and substitute the following:
(b) The prices of the deliverables in section B are F.O.B. origin with delivery to NASA via Government bill of lading (GBL). If delivery to an alternate location is ordered, the same delivery procedures will be used and no equitable adjustment to any price, term, or condition of this contract will be made as a result of such order.
(End of clause) [58 FR 59189, Nov. 8, 1993; 58 FR 62556, Nov. 29, 1993, as amended at 62 FR 4477, Jan. 30, 1997; 62 FR 36735, July 9, 1997] 1852.241-70 [Reserved]