As prescribed in 1842.7202, insert the following clause:
NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting (NOV 2004)
(a) The Contractor shall submit NASA Contractor Financial Management Reports on NASA Forms 533 in accordance with the instructions in NASA Procedures and Guidelines (NPR) 9501.2, NASA Contractor Financial Management Reporting, and on the reverse side of the forms, as supplemented in the Schedule of this contract. The detailed reporting categories to be used, which shall correlate with technical and schedule reporting, shall be set forth in the Schedule. Contractor implementation of reporting requirements under this clause shall include NASA approval of the definitions of the content of each reporting category and give due regard to the Contractor's established financial management information system.
(b) Lower level detail used by the Contractor for its own management purposes to validate information provided to NASA shall be compatible with NASA requirements.
(c) Reports shall be submitted in the number of copies, at the time, and in the manner set forth in the Schedule or as designated in writing by the Contractor Officer. Upon completion and acceptance by NASA of all contract line items, the Contracting Officer may direct the Contractor to submit Form 533 reports on a quarterly basis only, report only when changes in actual cost incur, or suspend reporting altogether.
(d) The Contractor shall ensure that its Form 533 reports include accurate subcontractor cost data, in the proper reporting categories, for the reporting period.
(e) If during the performance of this contract NASA requires a change in the information or reporting requirements specified in the Schedule, or as provided for in paragraph (a) or (c) of this clause, the Contracting Officer shall effect that change in accordance with the Changes clause of this contract.
(End of clause) [62 FR 36735, July 9, 1997; 62 FR 40309, July 28, 1997, as amended at 65 FR 46628, July 31, 2000; 69 FR 63460, Nov. 2, 2004]