As prescribed in 1845.107-70(a)(1), insert the following clause:
Contractor Requests for Government-Provided Equipment (AUG 2015)
(a) The Contractor shall provide all property required for the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall not acquire or construct items of property to which the Government will have title under the provisions of this contract without the Contracting Officer's written authorization. Property which will be acquired as a deliverable end item as material or as a component for incorporation into a deliverable end item is exempt from this requirement. Property approved as part of the contract award or specifically required within the statement of work is exempt from this requirement.
(b)(1) In the event the Contractor is unable to provide the property necessary for performance, and the Contractor requests provision of property by the Government, the Contractor's request shall--
(1) In the event the Contractor is unable to provide the property necessary for performance, and the Contractor requests provision of property by the Government, the Contractor's request shall--
(i) Justify the need for the property;
(ii) Provide the reasons why contractor-owned property cannot be used;
(iii) Describe the property in sufficient detail to enable the Government to screen its inventories for available property or to otherwise acquire property, including applicable manufacturer, model, part, catalog, National Stock Number or other pertinent identifiers;
(iv) Combine requests for quantities of items with identical descriptions and estimated values when the estimated values do not exceed $500,000 per unit; and
(v) Include only a single unit when the acquisition or construction value equals or exceeds $500,000.
(2) Contracting Officer authorization is required for items the Contractor intends to manufacture as well as those it intends to purchase.
(3) The Contractor shall submit requests to the Contracting Officer no less than 30 days in advance of the date the Contractor would, should it receive authorization, acquire or begin fabrication of the item.
(c) The Contractor shall maintain copies of Contracting Officer authorizations, appropriately cross-referenced to the individual property record, within its property management system.
(d) Property furnished from Government excess sources is provided as-is, where-is. The Government makes no warranty regarding its applicability for performance of the contract or its ability to operate. Failure of property obtained from Government excess sources under this clause is insufficient reason for submission of requests for equitable adjustments discussed in the clause at FAR 52.245-1, Government Property, as incorporated in this contract.
(End of clause)
Alterate I (AUG 2015) As prescribed in 1845.107-70(a)(2), add the following paragraph (e).
(e) In the event the Contracting Officer issues written authorization to provide property, the Contractor shall screen Government sources to determine the availability of property from Government inventory or excess property.
(1) The Contractor shall review NASA inventories and other authorized Federal excess sources for availability of items that meet the performance requirements of the requested property.
(i) If the Contractor determines that a suitable item is available from NASA supply inventory, it shall request the item using applicable Center procedures.
(ii) If the Contractor determines that an item within NASA or Federal excess is suitable, it shall contact the Center Industrial Property Officer to arrange for transfer of the item from the identified source to the Contractor.
(2) If the Contractor determines that the required property is not available from inventory or excess sources, the Contractor shall note the acquisition file with a list of sources reviewed and the findings regarding the lack of availability. If the required property is available, but unsuitable for use, the contractor shall document the rationale for rejection of available property. The Contractor shall retain appropriate cross-referenced documentary evidence of the outcome of those screening efforts as part of its property records system. [76 FR 2006, Jan. 12, 2011, as amended at 80 FR 51959, Aug. 27, 2015]