Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 48  /  Part 1852  /  1852.245-78 Physical inventory of capital personal property.

As prescribed in 1845.107-70(i), insert the following clause.

Physical Inventory of Capital Personal Property (AUG 2015)

(a) In addition to physical inventory requirements under the clause at FAR 52.245-1, Government Property, as incorporated in this contract, the Contractor shall conduct annual physical inventories for individual property items with an acquisition cost exceeding $500,000.

(1) The Contractor shall inventory--

(i) Items of property furnished by the Government;

(ii) Items acquired by the Contractor and titled to the Government under the clause at FAR 52.245-1;

(iii) Items constructed by the Contractor and not included in the deliverable, but titled to the Government under the clause at FAR 52.245-1; and

(iv) Complete but undelivered deliverables.

(2) The Contractor shall use the physical inventory results to validate the property record data, specifically location and use status, and to prepare summary reports of inventory as described in paragraph (c) of this clause.

(b) Unless specifically authorized in writing by the Property Administrator, the inventory shall be performed and posted by individuals other than those assigned custody of the items, responsibility for maintenance, or responsibility for posting to the property record. The Contractor may request a waiver from this separation of duties requirement from the Property Administrator, when all of the conditions in either (1) or (2) of this paragraph are met.

(1) The Contractor utilizes an electronic system for property identification, such as a laser bar-code reader or radio frequency identification reader, and

(i) The programs or software preclude manual data entry of inventory identification data by the individual performing the inventory; and

(ii) The inventory and property management systems contain sufficient management controls to prevent tampering and assure proper posting of collected inventory data.

(2) The Contractor has limited quantities of property, limited personnel, or limited property systems; and the Contractor provides written confirmation that the Government property exists in the recorded condition and location;

(3) The Contractor shall submit the request to the cognizant property administrator and obtain approval from the property administrator prior to implementation of the practice.

(c) The Contractor shall report the results of the physical inventory to the property administrator within 10 calendar days of completion of the physical inventory. The report shall--

(1) Provide a summary showing number and value of items inventoried; and

(2) Include additional supporting reports of--

(i) Loss in accordance with the clause at 52.245-1, Government Property;

(ii) Idle property available for reuse or disposition; and

(iii) A summary of adjustments made to location, condition, status, or user as a result of the physical inventory reconciliation.

(d) The Contractor shall retain auditable physical inventory records, including records supporting transactions associated with inventory reconciliation. All records shall be subject to Government review and/or audit.

(End of clause) [76 FR 2006, Jan. 12, 2011, as amended at 80 FR 51959, Aug. 27, 2015]