As prescribed in 1845.107-70(j), insert the following clause.
Records and Disposition Reports for Government Property With Potential
Historic or Significant Real Value (JAN 2011)
(a) In addition to the property record data required by the clause at FAR 52.245-1, Government Property as incorporated in this contract, Contractor records of all Government property under this contract shall--
(1) Identify the projects or missions that used the items;
(2) Specifically identify items of flown property;
(3) When known, associate individual items of property used in space flight operations with the using astronaut(s); and
(4) Identify property used in test activity and, when known, the individuals who 0conducted the test.
(b) The Contractor shall include this information within item descriptions--
(1) On any Standard Form 1428, Inventory Schedule;
(2) In automated disposition systems;
(3) In any other disposition related reports; and
(4) In other requests for disposition instructions.
(c) The Contractor shall not remove NASA identification or markings from Government property prior to or during disposition without the advanced written approval of the Plant Clearance Officer.
(End of clause) [76 FR 2006, Jan. 12, 2011]