(a)(1) The SBA establishes small business size standards on an industry-by-industry basis. (See 13 CFR Part 121). Small business size standards matched to industry NAICS codes are published by the Small Business Administration and are available at http://www.sba.gov/content/table-small-business-size-standards.
(1) The SBA establishes small business size standards on an industry-by-industry basis. (See 13 CFR Part 121). Small business size standards matched to industry NAICS codes are published by the Small Business Administration and are available at http://www.sba.gov/content/table-small-business-size-standards.
(2) NAICS codes are updated by the Office of Management and Budget through its Economic Classification Policy Committee every five years. New NAICS codes are not available for use in Federal contracting until the Small Business Administration publishes corresponding industry size standards (see 19.102(a)(1)).
(b) Small business size standards are applied by--
(1) Classifying the product or service being acquired in the industry whose definition, as found in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Manual (available at http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/, best describes the principal nature of the product or service being acquired;
(2) Identifying the size standard SBA established for that industry; and
(3) Specifying the size standard in the solicitation, so that offerors can appropriately represent themselves as small or large.
(c) For size standard purposes, a product or service shall be classified in only one industry, whose definition best describes the principal nature of the product or service being acquired even though for other purposes it could be classified in more than one.
(d) When acquiring a product or service that could be classified in two or more industries with different size standards, contracting officers shall apply the size standard for the industry accounting for the greatest percentage of the contract price.
(e) If a solicitation calls for more than one item and allows offers to be submitted on any or all of the items, an offeror must meet the size standard for each item it offers to furnish. If a solicitation calling for more than one item requires offers on all or none of the items, an offeror may qualify as a small business by meeting the size standard for the item accounting for the greatest percentage of the total contract price.
(f) Any concern submitting a bid or offer in its own name, other than on a construction or service contract, that proposes to furnish an end product it did not manufacture (a ``nonmanufacturer''), is a small business if it has no more than 500 employees, and--
(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (f)(4) through (f)(7) of this section, in the case of Government acquisitions set-aside for small businesses, furnishes in the performance of the contract, the product of a small business manufacturer or producer. The end product furnished must be manufactured or produced in the United States or its outlying areas. The term ``nonmanufacturer'' includes a concern that can, but elects not to, manufacture or produce the end product for the specific acquisition. For size determination purposes, there can be only one manufacturer of the end product being acquired. The manufacturer of the end product being acquired is the concern that, with its own forces, transforms inorganic or organic substances including raw materials and/or miscellaneous parts or components into the end product. However, see the limitations on subcontracting at 52.219-14 that apply to any small business offeror other than a nonmanufacturer for purposes of set-asides and 8(a) awards, 52.219-3 for HUBZone set-asides and HUBZone sole source awards, 52.219-27 for SDVOSB set-asides and SDVOSB sole source awards, 52.219-29 for economically disadvantaged women-owned small business set-asides, and 52.219-30 for set-asides for women-owned small business concerns eligible under the women-owned small business program.
(2) A concern which purchases items and packages them into a kit is considered to be a nonmanufacturer small business and can qualify as such for a given acquisition if it meets the size qualifications of a small nonmanufacturer for the acquisition, and if more than 50 percent of the total value of the kit and its contents are accounted for by items manufactured by small business.
(3) For the purpose of receiving a Certificate of Competency on an unrestricted acquisition, a small business nonmanufacturer may furnish any domestically produced or manufactured product.
(4) In the case of acquisitions set aside for small business or awarded under section 8(a) of the Small Business Act, when the acquisition is for a specific product (or a product in a class of products) for which the SBA has determined that there are no small business manufacturers or processors in the Federal market, then the SBA may grant a class waiver so that a nonmanufacturer does not have to furnish the product of a small business. For the most current listing of classes for which SBA has granted a waiver, contact an SBA Office of Government Contracting. A listing is also available on SBA's Internet Homepage at http://www.sba.gov/content/class-waivers. Contracting officers may request that the SBA waive the nonmanufacturer rule for a particular class of products. For procedures in requesting a waiver see 13 CFR 121.1204.
(5) For a specific solicitation, a contracting officer may request a waiver of that part of the nonmanufacturer rule which requires that the actual manufacturer or processor be a small business concern if the contracting officer determines that no known domestic small business manufacturers or processors can reasonably be expected to offer a product meeting the requirements of the solicitation.
(6) Requests for waivers shall be sent to the Associate Administrator for Government Contracting, United States Small Business Administration, Mail Code 6250, 409 Third Street, SW., Washington, DC 20416.
(7) The SBA provides for an exception to the nonmanufacturer rule if--
(i) The procurement of a manufactured end product processed under the procedures set forth in part 13--
(A) Is set aside for small business; and
(B) Is not anticipated to exceed $25,000; and
(ii) The offeror supplies an end product that is manufactured or produced in the United States or its outlying areas.
(8) For non-manufacturer rules pertaining to HUBZone contracts, see 19.1303(e). [48 FR 42240, Sept. 19, 1983]
Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting 19.102, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.
Subpart 19.2_Policies