(b)(i) For competitive solicitations for supplies using FAR part 13 simplified acquisition procedures, including acquisitions valued at less than or equal to $1 million under the authority at FAR subpart 13.5, the contracting officer shall--
(A) Consider data available in the statistical reporting module of the Past Performance Information Retrieval System (PPIRS-SR) regarding the supplier's past performance history for the Federal supply class (FSC) and product or service code (PSC) of the supplies being purchased. Procedures for the use of PPIRS-SR in the evaluation of quotations or offers are provided in the PPIRS-SR User's Manual available under the references section of the PPIRS Web site at www.ppirs.gov;
(B) Ensure the basis for award includes an evaluation of each supplier's past performance history in PPIRS-SR for the FSC and PSC of the supplies being purchased; and
(C) In the case of a supplier without a record of relevant past performance history in PPIRS-SR for the FSC or PSC of the supplies being purchased, the supplier may not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably for its past performance history. [80 FR 30118, May 26, 2015]