(a) Use the basic or the alternate of the clause at 252.217-7000, Exercise of Option to Fulfill Foreign Military Sales Commitments, in solicitations and contracts when an option may be used for foreign military sales requirements. Do not use the basic or the alternate of this clause in contracts for establishment or replenishment of DoD inventories or stocks, or acquisitions made under DoD cooperative logistics support arrangements.
(1) Use the basic clause when the foreign military sales country is known at the time of solicitation or award.
(2) Use the alternate I clause when the foreign military sale country is not known at the time of solicitation or award.
(b) When a surge option is needed in support of industrial capability production planning, use the clause at 252.217-7001, Surge Option, in solicitations and contracts.
(1) Insert the percentage of increase the option represents in paragraph (a) of the clause to ensure adequate quantities are available to meet item requirements.
(2) Change 30 days in paragraphs (b)(2) and (d)(1) to longer periods, if appropriate.
(3) Change the 24-month period in paragraph (c)(3), if appropriate. [63 FR 11529, Mar. 9, 1998, as amended at 71 FR 27642, May 12, 2006; 79 FR 65593, Nov. 5, 2014]
Subpart 217.5_Interagency Acquisitions
Source: 63 FR 11530, Mar. 9, 1998, unless otherwise noted.