Increased performance of security-guard functions, as used in this subpart, means--
(1) In the case of an installation or facility where no security-guard functions were performed as of September 10, 2001, the entire scope or extent of the performance of security-guard functions at the installation or facility after such date; and
(2) In the case of an installation or facility where security-guard functions were performed within a lesser scope of requirements or to a lesser extent as of September 10, 2001, than after such date, the increment of the performance of security-guard functions at the installation or facility that exceeds such lesser scope of requirements or extent of performance.
Senior mentor means a retired flag, general, or other military officer or retired senior civilian official who provides expert experience-based mentoring, teaching, training, advice, and recommendations to senior military officers, staff, and students as they participate in war games, warfighting courses, operational planning, operational exercises, and decision-making exercises. [68 FR 7443, Feb. 14, 2003, as amended at 75 FR 71564, Nov. 24, 2010]