(a) Use the basic or the alternate of the provision at 252.237-7002, Award to Single Offeror, in solicitations and contracts for mortuary services.
(1) Use the basic provision in all sealed bid solicitations for mortuary services.
(2) Use the alternate I provision in all negotiated solicitations for mortuary services.
(b) Use the following clauses in all mortuary service solicitations and contracts, except do not use the clauses at 252.237-7004, Area of Performance, in solicitations or contracts that include port of entry requirements:
(1) 252.237-7003, Requirements, (insert activities authorized to place orders in paragraph (e) of the clause).
(2) 252.237-7004, Area of Performance.
(3) 252.237-7005, Performance and Delivery.
(4) 252.237-7006, Subcontracting.
(5) 252.237-7007, Termination for Default.
(6) 252.237-7008, Group Interment.
(7) 252.237-7009, Permits.
(8) 252.237-7011, Preparation History.
(c) Use the clause at FAR 52.245-1, Government Property, with its Alternate I, in solicitations and contracts that include port of entry requirements. [71 FR 3416, Jan. 23, 2006, as amended at 74 FR 37646, July 29, 2009; 79 FR 65593, Nov. 5, 2014]
Subpart 237.71_Laundry and Dry Cleaning Services