As prescribed in 209.270-5, use the following clause:
Critical Safety Items (AUG 2011)
(a) Definitions.
Aviation critical safety item means a part, an assembly, installation equipment, launch equipment, recovery equipment, or support equipment for an aircraft or aviation weapon system if the part, assembly, or equipment contains a characteristic any failure, malfunction, or absence of which could cause--
(i) A catastrophic or critical failure resulting in the loss of, or serious damage to, the aircraft or weapon system;
(ii) An unacceptable risk of personal injury or loss of life; or
(iii) An uncommanded engine shutdown that jeopardizes safety.
(i) With respect to an aviation critical safety item, means the systems command of a military department that is specifically responsible for ensuring the airworthiness of an aviation system or equipment, in which an aviation critical safety item is to be used; and
(ii) With respect to a ship critical safety item, means the systems command of a military department that is specifically responsible for ensuring the seaworthiness of a ship or ship equipment, in which a ship critical safety item is to be used.
Ship critical safety item means any ship part, assembly, or support equipment containing a characteristic, the failure, malfunction, or absence of which could cause--
(i) A catastrophic or critical failure resulting in loss of, or serious damage to, the ship; or
(ii) An unacceptable risk of personal injury or loss of life.
(b) Identification of critical safety items. One or more of the items being procured under this contract is an aviation or ship critical safety item. The following items have been designated aviation critical safety items or ship critical safety items by the designated design control activity: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Insert additional lines as necessary)
(c) Heightened quality assurance surveillance. Items designated in paragraph (b) of this clause are subject to heightened, risk-based surveillance by the designated quality assurance representative.
(End of clause) [76 FR 52139, Aug. 19, 2011]