As prescribed in 215.408(1), use the following clause:
Pricing Adjustments (DEC 2012)
The term ``pricing adjustment,'' as used in paragraph (a) of the clauses entitled ``Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data--Modifications,'' ``Subcontractor Certified Cost or Pricing Data,'' and ``Subcontractor Certified Cost or Pricing Data--Modifications,'' means the aggregate increases and/or decreases in cost plus applicable profits.
(End of clause) [56 FR 36479, July 31, 1991, as amended at 62 FR 40473, July 29, 1997; 63 FR 55052, Oct. 14, 1998; 77 FR 76941, Dec. 31, 2012; 78 FR 13544, Feb. 28, 2013] 252.215-7001 [Reserved]