As prescribed in 247.574(a), use the following provision:
Representation of Extent of Transportation By Sea (AUG 1992)
(a) The Offeror shall indicate by checking the appropriate blank in paragraph (b) of this provision whether transportation of supplies by sea is anticipated under the resultant contract. The term supplies is defined in the Transportation of Supplies by Sea clause of this solicitation.
(b) Representation. The Offeror represents that it-- -------- Does anticipate that supplies will be transported by sea in the
performance of any contract or subcontract resulting from this
solicitation.-------- Does not anticipate that supplies will be transported by sea in
the performance of any contract or subcontract resulting from
this solicitation.
(c) Any contract resulting from this solicitation will include the Transportation of Supplies by Sea clause. If the Offeror represents that it will not use ocean transportation, the resulting contract will also include the Defense FAR Supplement clause at 252.247-7024, Notification of Transportation of Supplies by Sea.
(End of provision) [56 FR 67222, Dec. 30, 1991, as amended at 57 FR 42633, Sept. 15, 1992; 72 FR 49206, Aug. 28, 2007]