As prescribed in 251.205, use the following clause:
Use of Interagency Fleet Management System (IFMS) Vehicles and Related
Services (DEC 1991)
(a) The Contractor, if authorized use of IFMS vehicles, shall submit requests for five or fewer vehicles and related services in writing to the appropriate General Services Administration (GSA) Regional Customer Service Bureau, Attention: Motor Equipment Activity. Submit requests for more than five vehicles to GSA headquarters: General Services Administration, FTM, Washington, DC 20406. Include the following in each request:
(1) Two copies of the agency authorization to obtain vehicles and related services from GSA.
(2) The number of vehicles and related services required and the period of use.
(3) A list of the Contractor's employees authorized to request vehicles and related services.
(4) A list of the makes, models, and serial numbers of Contractor-owned or leased equipment authorized to be serviced.
(5) Billing instructions and address.
(b) The Contractor should make requests for any unusual quantities of vehicles as far in advance as possible.
(c) The Contractor shall establish and enforce suitable penalties for employees who use or authorize the use of Government vehicles for other than performance of Government contracts.
(d) The Contractor shall assume, without the right of reimbursement from the Government, the cost or expense of any use of IFMS vehicles and services not related to the performance of the contract.
(e) Only the Contractor may request authorization for subcontractor use of IFMS vehicles. The Contracting Officer will not grant authorization for subcontractor use without approval of the Contractor.
(End of clause)