(a) HHS recognizes and accepts FAC-P/PM certifications issued by other Federal departments and agencies. In addition, HHS complies with FAI determinations as to which certifications by organizations outside the Federal government are eligible for full or partial consideration under FAC-P/PM. See FAI's Web site, and Chapter 3, Federal Acquisition Certification--Program and Project Managers--Application and Certification Procedures, in the P/PM Handbook for additional information.
(b) A certification transfer should not be initiated when an individual, who holds a current FAC-P/PM certification from another Federal department or agency, becomes an HHS employee. Instead, the individual must apply for recertification (which will result in issuance of an HHS certification) at the time the candidate's immediate supervisor performs the bi-annual assessment to determine whether the individual has met the HHS FAC-P/PM CLP requirements.