In order for HHS to meet its reporting requirements and ensure compliance with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (Transparency Act), Public Law (Pub. L.) 109-282, HHS acquisition officials and staff must report their contract information accurately and timely. Ensuring accuracy and timeliness also requires effective and efficient data verification and validation at the time of and following reporting.
Following are descriptions of the organizational roles and responsibilities associated with contract reporting, including data input, oversight, and quality control; training of acquisition staff on reporting responsibilities; and operating, managing, and maintaining DCIS.
(a) ASFR/OGAPA/DA. The ASFR/OGAPA/DA shall do the following:
(1) Oversee and provide policy guidance for OPDIV contract reporting by--
(i) Establishing and implementing an effective HHS-wide ICAR data verification and validation program; and
(ii) Identifying cross-cutting trends through periodic testing of selected ICAR data, including Transparency Act data fields.
(2) Ensure that DCIS is properly managed and maintained, including--
(i) Verifying that data included therein meets FPDS-NG and Transparency Act accuracy and timeliness standards;
(ii) Updating the DCIS Users' Manual periodically; and
(iii) Prescribing standard HHS-wide DCIS training.
(3) Certify annually that HHS ICAR information is complete and accurate.
(b) HCA. Each HCA (non-delegable) shall--
(1) Ensure that all reportable ICAR information is collected, submitted, and received within the time frames and under the circumstances specified in FAR Subpart 4.6.
Note: Each CCO shall prepare and submit accurate ICAR data in accordance with HCA guidance.;
(2) Provide continuing oversight, including implementing an OPDIV-level data verification and validation program, to ensure ICAR data quality and timeliness;
(3) Establish a continuous training program for acquisition staff to ensure the quality and timeliness of ICAR data; and
(4) Certify annually to HHS' SPE that OPDIV ICAR information is complete and accurate.
(c) Contracting Officer. As part of a normal file review, required under 304.7101, the Contracting Officer shall--
(1) Ensure that all reportable contracts and orders, including BPA orders and modifications thereto, are reported;
(2) Review and approve proposed ICAR data for completeness and accuracy prior to signing contracts/orders and modifications; and
(3) Correct all DCIS data discrepancies before signing the associated contract, order, or modification.
(d) OPDIV DCIS coordinator/focal point. The OPDIV DCIS coordinator/focal point shall--
(1) Identify data errors and ensure their timely correction as part of the DCIS quality control process;
(2) Conduct remedial staff training, as appropriate, to improve data accuracy and timeliness; and
(3) Represent the OPDIV as a member of the DCIS Configuration Committee.
(e) DCIS Configuration Committee. The DCIS Configuration Committee is composed of the HHS DCIS manager, other ASFR/OGAPA/DA acquisition management staff, as required; and each OPDIV's DCIS coordinator/focal point. The Committee shall ensure that the DCIS is properly maintained and shall evaluate and recommend changes to DCIS to improve its functionality, features, and quality control, as appropriate.
Subpart 304.8_Government Contract Files