(a) Acquisitions which require numbering. Contracting activities shall number the following acquisitions and related instruments in accordance with the system prescribed in paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section:
(1) Contracts, including letter contracts, that exceed the micro-purchase threshold or the acquisition of personal property or nonpersonal services. (Note: The Contracting Officer shall also assign the letter contract number to the superseding definitized contract.)
(2) Basic ordering agreements (BOAs) and BPAs.
(3) Requests for proposals and invitations for bids.
(4) Requests for quotations.
(b) Numbering system for contracts. The Contracting Officer shall assign a number consisting of the following to all contracts which require numbering (paragraph (a)(1) of this section):
(1) The three-digit identification code (HHS) of the Department.
(2) A one-digit alphabetic identification code of the servicing agency. AHRQ: AASPR/OAMCG: OCDC: DCMS: MFDA: FHRSA: HIHS: INIH: NPSC: PSAMHSA: S
(3) The three-digit numeric identification code assigned by ASFR/OGAPA/DA to the contracting office within the servicing agency.
(4) A four-digit fiscal year designation (e.g., 2009, 2010).
(5) A five-digit alphanumeric tracking number, the content of which is determined by the contracting office within the servicing agency.
(6) A one-digit code describing the type of contract action. For example, the National Cancer Institute, NIH, may number its first contract for fiscal year 2009 as HHSN261200900001C. (Note: When more than one code may apply in a specific situation, or for additional codes, refer to the DCIS Users' Manual or consult with the cognizant DCIS coordinator/focal point for guidance on which code governs.): A Commercial Item Acquisitions (including purchases using simplified acquisition procedures in accordance with the FAR subpart 13.5 Test program)C New Definitive ContractP Purchases using simplified acquisition procedures (other than commercial items)I IDCO BOAB BPAF Facilities ContractU Contracts placed with or through other Government departments, GSA contracts, or against mandatory source contracts such as AbilityOne and Federal Prison Industries (UNICOR)L Lease AgreementW Government-wide Acquisition Contract (GWAC)E Letter ContractG Federal Supply ScheduleM Micro-purchaseQ Multi-agency contract
(c) Numbering system for orders. The Contracting Officer shall assign order numbers (e.g., task order numbers) to orders issued under contracts. The order number shall be up to a seventeen-digit number consisting of the following:
(1) The three-digit identification code (HHS) of the Department.
(2) A one-digit numeric identification code of the servicing agency: AHRQ: AASPR/OAMCG: OCDC: DCMS: MFDA: F HRSA: HIHS: INIH: NPSC: PSAMHSA: S
(3) The three-digit numeric identification code assigned by ASFR/OGAPA/DA to the contracting office within the servicing agency.
(4) An alphanumeric tracking number, up to ten characters, the content of which is determined by the contracting office within the servicing agency.
(d) Numbering system for solicitations. The HCA is responsible for developing a numbering system for solicitations listed in paragraphs (a)(3) and (a)(4) of this section.
(e) Assignment of identification codes. ASFR/OGAPA/DA shall assign each contracting office a three-digit identification code. HCAs shall request from ASFR/OGAPA/DA the assignment of codes for newly established contracting offices. A listing of the contracting office identification codes currently in use is contained in the DCIS Users' Manual, available at http://dcis.hhs.gov. [74 FR 62398, Nov. 27, 2009, as amended at 75 FR 21510, Apr. 26, 2010]
Subpart 304.71_Review and Approval of Proposed Contract Actions