(a) It is HHS policy to leverage its buying power, reduce acquisition administrative costs, and develop long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with best-in-class providers of products and services. Accordingly, HHS has implemented a Strategic Sourcing Program through which it awards BPAs or other contract vehicles to achieve savings for commercial items and services across HHS and make the acquisition process more efficient. OPDIVs shall use HHS' strategic sourcing vehicles to the maximum extent possible--see the HHS strategic sourcing portion of the ASFR/OGAPA/DA intranet site for further information.
Subpart 312.2_Special Requirements for the Acquisition of Commercial
Items 312.202(d) Market research and description of agency need.
Whenever an OPDIV/STAFFDIV requires EIT products and services subject to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, commercially available products and services shall be acquired to the maximum extent possible while ensuring Section 508 compliance. Consistent with paragraph 4.3.1 of the HHS Section 508 policy--see Section 508 policy on the HHS Office on Disability Web site, if products and services are commercially available that meet some but not all of the applicable Section 508 accessibility standards, and no commercially available products or services meet all of the applicable Section 508 accessibility standards, an OPDIV/STAFFDIV shall acquire the products and services that best meet the applicable Section 508 accessibility standards. Commercial nonavailability exception determinations for EIT products and services that do not meet some or all of the applicable Section 508 accessibility standards shall be processed in accordance with 339.203.