(d) The HCA (non-delegable) shall make the determinations in FAR 32.407(d). The HCA may also approve interest-free advance payments for educational institutions and other nonprofit organizations, whether public or private, performing work under nonprofit contracts (without fee) involving health services, educational programs, or social service programs, such as the following:
(1) Community health representative services for an Indian Tribe.
(2) Narcotic addict rehabilitative services.
(3) Comprehensive health care services for Model Neighborhood programs.
(4) Planning and development of health maintenance organizations.
(5) Dissemination of information derived from educational research.
(6) Surveys or demonstrations in the field of education.
(7) Producing or distributing educational media for disabled persons including captioned films for the hearing impaired.
(8) Operation of language or area centers.
(9) Biomedical research and support services.
(10) Research surveys or demonstrations involving the training and placement of health personnel and health professionals, and dissemination of related information.
(11) Surveys or demonstrations in the field of social service.