(a) Procedures to document exception and determination requests are set forth in the OPDIV/STAFFDIV Section 508 Implementation Plans required by paragraph 4.1 of the HHS Section 508 policy.
(b) In the development of an AP or other acquisition request document, the Contracting Officer shall ensure that all Section 508 commercial non-availability or undue burden exception determination requests for applicable EIT requirements are: (1) Documented and certified in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 4.3, Section 508 Compliance Exceptions, of the HHS Section 508 policy; (2) signed by the Project Officer; (3) approved by the OPDIV Section 508 Official or designee; and (4) included in the AP or other acquisition request document provided by the Project Officer to the contracting office.
(c) In instances where a technical evaluation has been performed, and no organization's proposed products or services meet some or all of Section 508 accessibility standards, in order to proceed with the acquisition, the Contracting Officer shall provide an exception determination request along with the technical evaluation panel's assessment of the Section 508 evaluation factor to the designated Section 508 Official or designee for review and approval/disapproval. See 315.304 regarding obtaining approval of technical evaluation panel assessments by the Section 508 Official or designee. The Contracting Officer shall include the Section 508 Official's or designee's approval/disapproval of the exception determination request in the official contract file and reference it, as appropriate, in all source selection documents. For further information, see paragraphs 4.3, Section 508 Compliance Exceptions, and paragraph 11, Appendix A, of HHS Section 508 policy--see Section 508 policy on HHS Office on Disability Web site.
Subpart 339.70_Use of General Services Administration Blanket Purchase
Agreements for Independent Risk Analysis Services